Differentiation in Math
Effective tutors are equipped to differentiate their instruction for each student regardless of student needs. Resources for addressing students with varying learning needs can provide strong support for tutors as they embark upon the journey of teaching and reaching all students.
Resources for math instruction differentiation.
- Assisting Students Struggling in Math: Intervention in the Early Grades
- Intensive Intervention in Mathematics Course Content
- Interventions and Progress Monitoring Toolkit: Free MTSS/RTI Templates
Effective Tutoring and Teaching
Strong instructional strategies and techniques improve tutor effectiveness. Below are resources to support strong math instruction and student engagement.
Elementary Mathematics Teaching
Elementary math specific resources and strategies.
- Concrete-Representational-Abstract: Instructional Sequence for Mathematics
- How to Use Real-World Problems to Teach Elementary School Math: 6 Tips
- Strategies to Increase All Students’ Mathematics Learning and Achievement
- The Importance of Early Math
Math Instruction
Instructional strategies for math tutoring.
- A Model for Improving Student Talk in the Math Classroom
- Accessible Mathematics Experiences for Remote Learning
- Building Classroom Climate for Mathematical Learning
- Cross-age Math Tutoring of Kindergarten and First Grade Students by Middle School Tutors
- Error Analysis for Mathematics
- High Quality Mathematics Instruction
- Metacognitive Strategies
- Standards for Mathematical Practice
- The Importance of Rich Tasks in K - 12 Mathematics
Student Engagement
Strategies for engaging students during tutoring.
Teaching Resources
Math resources and strategies to support math tutoring.
- 10 Strategies to Keep Students Engaged in the Classroom
- Accountable Talk
- Early Math Predicts Later Math: Implications for Interventions
- Free Teaching Resources: Fun Classroom Activities and Lesson Plan Ideas
- High Level Tasks in the Mathematics Classroom
- Saga Math Tutoring Curriculum
- Solving the Iceberg Problem- Learning Loss
- Supporting Students with Disabilities
- The Science of Math
- Using an Online Tool For learning About and Implementing Algebra Progress Monitoring
- Word Problem Strategies
Formative Assessment
Formative assessment is a valuable resource to inform the tutor of the student’s thinking, processing, and retention. Formative assessment can provide the “in the moment” thinking and learning of students, opposed to summative assessment, which typically follows the completion of a unit.
Elementary Specific Formative Assessment
Elementary math specific resource to assess student thinking and understanding to inform math instructional and tutoring moves.
- Formative assessment with interactive whiteboards: A one-year longitudinal study of primary students’ mathematical performance
- Formative Re-Engaging Lessons
General Formative Assessment
Resources to assess student thinking and understanding to inform math instructional and tutoring moves.
- 7 Smart Ways to do Formative Assessment
- 27 Easy Strategies Formative Assessment Strategies
- Feedback that Empowers Students
- Using Frequent Feedback Cycles to Guide Student Work
- Using Popular Apps for Formative Assessment
Goal Setting
Effective tutors work with students to establish goals for their learning during tutoring sessions. This process allows students and tutors to celebrate progress and gives students agency and a sense of autonomy over their learning.
Guides to establish and write goals for tutors and students.