The Tutoring Quality Improvement System (TQIS) provides tutoring programs with a free and research-based assessment of their program’s quality by comparing the tutoring program’s characteristics and activities to a set of industry quality standards. The Tutoring Quality Standards are aligned with NSSA’s Framework for High-Impact Tutoring and were developed by the TQIS Advisory Group.

Take this free, research-based assessment of your tutoring program to find out:

  • how aligned your program is with research-based quality standards and
  • how you can improve the quality of your program through tailored recommendations and resources
Tutoring Quality Improvement System

The Self-Assessment version can be completed in about 15-20 minutes by answering a series of questions with results, recommendations and resources available immediately. We suggest previewing this TQIS Self-Assessment Form to familiarize yourself with the questions prior to taking the assessment.

Start the Self-Assessment

Introducing the NEW Tutoring Program Design Badge

Tutoring Providers can apply for our Badge to understand their tutoring program’s alignment to high-impact standards, learn how to improve, and showcase program design to states and districts.

There is no cost to apply for or receive the Badge. Review our Frequently Asked Questions for details, and contact for any additional questions.

Start the process now by completing the new and improved Self-Assessment today.

Tutoring Program Design Badge