I am a Teacher who tutors and I am interested in learning about...
The Teacher as Tutor section of the PK - 8 Math Tutoring Resource Library contains modules on Grade Level Support, Professional Learning, Instructional Strategies, Culturally Sustaining Teaching, and More Resources. While the resources in this library can support classroom instruction, the intended audience is tutors.
The Grade Level Support module includes two grade bands - elementary (PK - 5) and middle (6 - 8). Each grade band contains math teaching and learning materials for teachers who tutor.
The Professional Learning module provides initial tutor training and ongoing professional learning guidance and materials that are current, relevant, and beneficial for a math tutor’s continued improvement.
The Instructional Strategies module provides guidance on differentiated instruction, effective tutoring and more for tutors to help students become independent and strategic math learners.
The Culturally Sustaining Teaching module includes resources that support culturally sustaining education in the math tutoring context.
The More Resources module includes sources for understanding student math performance in the US, examples of math tutoring programs, and books and articles to provide further context and support for math tutors.
Please see additional tools in the Math Resource Appendix.