This database includes an initial set of statewide tutoring efforts and state tutoring legislation. It will be updated monthly. Inclusion in this database does not indicate that the effort or policy is aligned with high-impact standards. All tutoring efforts and legislation that we are aware of are included in this database to allow others to better understand the landscape of state efforts in tutoring.
We welcome submissions of efforts or legislation that we have omitted or corrections by completing this form.
State | Name of Legislation/Tutoring Effort | Does this effort include legislation? | Status Sort descending | Date of Status | More Info |
New Mexico | HB 2/*-->*/ Currently provides competitive grant funding… more |
Yes | Link | ||
Ohio | HB 33Requires high-dosage tutoring for third grade students below grade-level in literacy to be provided by a state-approved vendor until the student achieves the required level of skill in reading for… more |
Yes | Link | ||
Ohio | Future Forward OhioProvides $26.1 million in GEER funds to support the implementation of high-dosage tutoring programs in Ohio districts and schools. The tutoring programs will be offered by providers on the High-… more |
No | Link | ||
Louisiana | RS 17:4032.1 (Steve Carter Literacy Program)Allocates $40M to fund $1,000 vouchers to families of eligible K-5 public school students to be used for literacy tutoring. |
Yes | Active | 2021 Legislative Session | Link |
Arizona | ARS 15-241 (Arizona State Tutoring Program)Requires all students in a school assigned a letter grade of D or F to have access to tutoring. Tutoring can be provided by the school directly or the parent can choose from approved providers.… more |
Yes | Adopted | Link | |
Arkansas | LEARNS ActReallocates $34.7 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds to LEARNS Act initiatives. $8.5 million will go to supplemental education such as tutoring and $20 million will go toward high-impact… more |
Yes | Approved | Link | |
Michigan | SB 173 (MI Kids Back-on-Track)Provides $150M in grant funds available to eligible districts for high-impact tutoring and other learning acceleration strategies. Districts must submit a plan to determine eligibility. Funds will… more |
Yes | Approved by Governor | Link | |
Colorado | HB 23-1231Appropriates $26.7M to support math success including the Academic Accelerator Grant Program to offer academic services, including tutoring, through community learning centers. |
Yes | Approved by Governor | Link | |
Missouri | HB 3015 (Close the Gap Program)Includes a plan to set aside $75 million which would fund the Close the Gap program. The Close the Gap program provides $1500 to Missouri families to fund educational expenses. The $1500 grant… more |
Yes | Approved by Governor | Link | |
New Mexico | Math Tutoring CorpsLaunches the New Mexico Math Tutoring Corps in January of 2023. The statewide tutoring initiative provides math tutoring for 8th-12th grade students with a significant focus on Algebra 1. Virtual… more |
No | Awarded | Link | |
Georgia | Georgia Math and Reading CorpsFunds $47 million in emergency assistance to address the disruptions and challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes a $1.3 million allocation for the teacher pipeline of which $789,… more |
No | Effective for the 2022-23 school year | Link | |
Alabama | HB 497Required K-3 students who received a failing grade in a subject to receive tutoring during the first nine weeks of school. The bill also required additional accelerated instruction for students… more |
Yes | Failed | Link | |
New York | Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (NY GEAR UP)Provides a $28 million grant to extend the New York Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness Program (NY GEAR UP). This grant has been awarded to New York for four consecutive years and has served… more |
No | Grant Awarded | Link | |
Maryland | Maryland Tutoring CorpsProvides $10 million in American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Relief Funds (ESSER III) to launch and scale high-quality, school day tutoring for secondary math that will mitigate… more |
Grant period to start September 2023 | Link | ||
New Jersey | High Impact Tutoring ProgramLaunches High Impact Tutoring program in which districts can apply for reimbursement of high-impact tutoring programs that focus on third and fourth grade students using pre-qualified tutoring… more |
No | Grant program underway | Link | |
New Jersey | New Jersey Acceleration Program: High-Impact Tutoring NGOProvides $52,000,000 in funding to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to offer high-impact tutoring interventions for students disproportionately affected by the pandemic. This program begins on… more |
No | Grant program underway | Link | |
New Jersey | Learning Acceleration FundingIncludes nearly $17 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) funds and $35 million in ARP State Fiscal Recovery Funds (SFRF) allocated in the FY2024… more |
No | Grant program underway | Link | |
Ohio | Statewide Mathematics and Literacy Tutoring GrantAwarded $14M in grants to Ohio colleges and universities planning to create or expand mathematics and literacy tutoring programs for Ohio’s K-12 students in one-on-one or small-group settings.The… more |
No | Grants Awarded | Link | |
Washington | SB 5248/HB 1710Appropriates $27 million in state funds and $97 million in federal funds for for matching grants to districts for high quality tutoring and rigorous extended learning programs. |
Yes | In Committee | Link | |
Virginia | ALL in TutoringDirects Virginia school divisions (districts) to implement high-intensity tutoring beginning in October 2023 with specific quality guardrails and a focus on students furthest behind in grades 3 -… more |
No | In effect | Link | |
Virginia | Tutoring Microgrants for ParentsOffers $30 million Learning Acceleration Grants for Virginia families. Approved families will receive $1,500 for tutoring in English, math, science, history, and foreign languages. Grants can also… more |
No | In Effect | Link | |
Pennsylvania | Cross-Age Tutoring Program - HB 100Creates a tutoring program that allows 11th and 12th grade students to earn credit for tutoring younger students. |
Yes | In Senate Committee | Link | |
New York | SB S8327Establishes a pilot program to provide grants to local education providers to implement high-impact tutoring programs prioritizing low-income or underserved students to address student learning loss… more |
Yes | In Senate Education Committee | Link | |
Arizona | Arizona Achievement Tutoring ProgramProvides reading, writing, and mathematics tutoring for students in grades 1-8 who are testing below proficient in those areas on the statewide assessment Arizona Academic Standards Assessment (AASA… more |
No | Launched | Link | |
Connecticut | Connecticut High-Dosage Tutoring ProgramAllocates $10M in American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) funding to local education agencies (LEAs) to implement the Connecticut High-Dosage Tutoring (… more |
Launching in 2023 - 2024 school year | Link | ||
New Hampshire | YES! Scholarship ProgramProvides $1,000 tutoring scholarships for students negatively impacted by the pandemic. Funded through $2.3 million from the Governor's Emergency Education Relief Fund, the scholarships can be used… more |
No | N/A | Link | |
Oklahoma | Oklahoma State Plan for the ARP Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief FundCreates a Math Tutoring Corps in partnership with OK colleges and universities to address middle and high school student learning disruption. Specifically, Algebra I tutoring for up to 1,500 grade 7-… more |
No | N/A | N/A | Link |
Colorado | Learning League Tutoring ProgramFunded through private philanthropy (Gary Community Ventures), provides trained and supervised tutors to work in CO schools in elementary literacy and middle grades math. |
No | N/A | N/A | Link |
Delaware | Delaware Strategy to Accelerate LearningRequires school districts to (1) adopt high quality and consistent instruction materials (2) provide school leaders and teachers professional learning to provide Tier 1 education to students and… more |
No | N/A | N/A | Link |
Louisiana | AccelerateProvides high-quality, open access math and literacy tutoring lessons aligned with state standards. Lessons focus on acceleration rather than remediation. The Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE… more |
No | N/A | N/A | Link |
Mississippi | Mission AccelerationProvides literacy-based high-dosage tutoring to accelerate reading achievement for K-5 students in Mississippi using college students funded through Americorps. The 2021 pilot program served 1,000… more |
No | N/A | Link | |
New Jersey | NJ Summer Tutoring CorpsProvided tutoring to 2,000 students in the summer of 2021 and is expanding to 42 sites in fall of 2021. Launched by The College of New Jersey’s School of Education, and paid for by he New Jersey… more |
No | N/A | N/A | Link |
North Carolina | HIgh-Impact Tutoring ProgramProvides $30,000,000 for high-impact tutoring statewide. |
No | N/A | N/A | Link |
North Carolina | North Carolina Education CorpsPartners with local schools to recruit, educate, and activate corps members to support students and accelerate learning through tutoring in NC's neediest districts. Corps members are paid a living… more |
No | N/A | N/A | Link |
Washington, DC | OSSE High-Impact Tutoring StrategyRequires all DCPS schools to implement high-impact tutoring for students in need, reaching approximately 10% of all students. |
No | N/A | N/A | Link |
Maryland | Maryland LeadsSupports Local Education Agencies (LEAs) with federal funding to address COVID-19 pandemic learning loss, opportunity and achievement gaps, and need of targeted support for historically… more |
No | N/A | Link | |
New Mexico | Multi-Layered System of SupportsEncourages districts to include tutoring in the implementation of a new Multi-Layered System of Supports (MLSS) to ensure it’s integrated into districts’ larger acceleration strategies. New Mexico… more |
No | N/A | Link | |
Oklahoma | Statewide Tutoring ProgramsHigh Dosage Literacy Tutoring: OSDE operates a high dosage tutoring program that pays teachers $50 per hour and includes growth incentives. The focus for this program is on 4th… more |
No | Operational | Link | |
Idaho | Empowering Parents GrantsProvides Idaho caregivers with children in grades K-12 with educational grants of up to $1,000 per student, per year, and up to $3,000 per household. Grants are funded through the $50 million “… more |
Yes | Passed | Link | |
Arkansas | SB 564: Arkansas Tutoring Corps ActEstablishes a statewide Arkansas Tutoring Corps (with a focus on rural areas), to address interrupted learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. |
Yes | Passed | Link | |
California | AB 185 CDE Learning AccelerationFunds learning recovery initiatives. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond announced the availability of $4 billion in funding for intensive tutoring, additional… more |
Passed | Link | ||
Massachusetts | Early Literacy TutoringProvides $60M in state and federal funding to expand access to summer learning programs and recreational activities. Out of the $60M, $2M will be used to fund early literacy tutoring grants for… more |
Yes | Passed and effective 2022-2023 school year | Link | |
South Dakota | Dakota Dreams Online Tutoring ProgramProvides free online tutoring for K-12 students in South Dakota in English, math, science and social studies. Sessions are taught by university students in the School of Education at Northern State… more |
No | Passed into law | Link | |
Maryland | Kirwan 2.0, or SB 965/HB 1372Requires the original K-3 requirement of Transitional Supplemental Instruction for Struggling Learners program to add additional components: 1) funding for one-on-one and small-group instruction… more |
Yes | Passed into law | Link | |
Minnesota | HF 1064Requires many efforts to combat COVID-19 impact on education including funding for community partnerships to provide tutoring during the summer of 2021. |
Yes | Passed into law | Link | |
Texas | HB 4545Requires an accelerated learning committee to develop an IEP for every student who does not pass pass the STAAR test in grade 3, 5, or 8 in math or reading. Also, requires the assignment of a… more |
Yes | Passed into law | Effective Date June | Link |
Louisiana | SB 508Requires students in kindergarten - 5th grade who are not proficient in math or literacy to have expanded academic support which is either placement in a class taught by teacher designated as '… more |
Yes | Passed Senate; House recommitted to Committee on Appropriations | Link | |
Georgia | Georgia TutorProvides free opt-in virtual tutoring for all Georgia high school students in math, language arts, science or social studies provided by Georgia-certified teachers of that subject. Georgia Tutor… more |
No | Program in operation | Link | |
Nebraska | Nebraska SMART
No | Program in operation | Link | |
Illinois | High-Impact Tutoring InitiativesCreates two statewide tutoring initiatives targeting PK-12 students who are in districts or communities with limited capacity or resources to deliver high-quality tutoring programs. The Illinois… more |
No | Programs in operation | Link | |
Indiana | HB 1252Commits up to $15M in federal emergency funding to pay for tutoring for children who are struggling in math and reading. The initiative is funded in response to the learning loss that resulted… more |
Yes | Proposed | Link | |
Oklahoma | Oklahoma Education Budget ProposalProposes a budget of more than $3.9 billion for public schools that would fund tutoring for struggling students, makes permanent a major teacher signing-bonus plan, and provides additional bonuses… more |
No | Proposed by Governor | Link | |
New Jersey | High Efficiency Accelerated Learning (HEAL) S3220Proposes the establishment of the High Efficiency Accelerated Learning (HEAL) Grant Program and the Tutoring Advisory Commission. HEAL is intended to provide high-impact tutoring opportunities to… more |
Yes | Recommitted to Assembly Appropriations Committee | Link | |
California | SB 723 California LEADS Tutoring ProgramCreates the California Leadership, Excellence, Academic, Diversity, and Service-Learning (LEADS) Tutoring Program to provide both in-person and online tutoring to rectify learning loss. Each… more |
Yes | Returned to Secretary of Senate pursuant to Joint Rule 56 | Link | |
Michigan | SB 925/HB 5859 (Tutoring Dollars for Kids)Provides Michigan families with up to $1500 in Learning Loss Grants to be used on tutoring, summer courses, and certain educational supplies. Low-income students and families who have been most… more |
Yes | Senate Bill Introduced | Link | |
Iowa | SB 545Requires The Iowa Department of Education to form a learning recovery task force to evaluate the degree of learning loss experienced by students due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The task force is… more |
Yes | Sent to the Senate Subcommittee Education | Link | |
Texas | HB 1416Revises some HB 4545 requirements by allowing tutoring hours per student/subject to be reduced to 15 hours in certain situations and allows a 4:1 ratio of students to tutors. |
Yes | Signed by Governor | Link | |
Florida | HB 1361Among a number of education items, creates the New Worlds Tutoring program for K-5 students who exhibit deficiencies in reading or math to be administered by the University of Florida Lastinger… more |
Yes | Signed by Governor | Link | |
Ohio | HB 583 - Statewide Tutoring ProgramIncreases substitute teacher recruitment efforts, expands Ohio’s EdChoice program which provides families with vouchers to pay for private school tuition and requires tutoring programs in public… more |
Yes | Signed by Governor | Link | |
California | SB 129 Budget Act of 2021Includes funding for the California for All College Corps which provides undergraduate students at 46 colleges and universities across California the opportunity to earn $10,000 for committing to… more |
Yes | Signed by Governor | Link | |
Tennessee | HB 2326Updates Tennessee's 3rd grade retention law by allowing students who were behind in English or reading in third grade and remain behind in 4th grade to move to fifth grade if the parent, teacher, and… more |
Yes | Signed by Governor | Link | |
Colorado | HB 21-1234 Supplemental Education High-impact Tutoring ProgramsCreates the Colorado high-impact tutoring program to provide grant funding to local education providers including school districts and charter schools and others, to create high-impact tutoring… more |
Yes | Signed by Governor | Link | |
Florida | CS/HB 7011 — Student LiteracyIncludes provision for high school juniors and seniors to satisfy community service requirements by providing 75 verified tutoring hours to students with a substantial deficiency in reading in… more |
Yes | Signed by Governor | Link | |
Ohio | Afterschool Child Enrichment Educational Savings ProgramProvides qualifying families with a $500 credit that can be used to pay for after school enrichment programs that will support learning for students impacted by COVID-19. The credit will be paid… more |
Yes | Signed by Governor | Link | |
Oregon | HB 3198 (Early Literacy Success Initiative)Creates the Early Literacy Success School Grant and Community Grant programs to fund K-3 literacy programs that include high-dosage tutoring as well as other supports for improved literacy. |
Yes | Signed by Governor | Link | |
North Carolina | SB 387 (Excellent Public Schools Act of 2021)Revises the Read to Achieve Program in many ways, one of which is including tutoring as part of the definition of literacy interventions. |
Yes | Signed by Governor | Link | |
Tennessee | TN HB 7004: Tennessee Learning Loss Remediation and Student Acceleration ActCreates TN Accelerating Literacy and Learning Corps, a matching grant opportunity to empower districts to implement or strengthen tutoring supports for students in low ratios and at a high dosage… more |
Yes | Signed into law | Link | |
Tennessee | Tennessee Investment in Student AchievementCreates a student-based funding formula that includes additional funding for all fourth graders who are not proficient in ELA. This funding is identified in the… more |
Yes | Signed into law | Link | |
Tennessee | SB 7003: Tennessee Literacy Success ActUpdates this 2021 law to allow school districts to advance students who score in the “approaching” category on their third grade Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) ELA test and… more |
Yes | Signed into law | Link | |
South Dakota | SB 210Provides families in South Dakota with an educational savings account (ESA). The bill requires The Department of Education to create a savings account for students who withdrew from public schools… more |
Yes | Withdrawn at the Request of the Prime Sponsor | Link |