Provides reading, writing, and mathematics tutoring for students in grades 1-8 who are testing below proficient in those areas on the statewide assessment Arizona Academic Standards Assessment (AASA). The tutoring is provided by both public school districts or charters and approved tutoring providers with the goal of increasing student proficiency on the statewide AASA in alignment with Arizona State Standards.
Qualified students will participate in tutoring four times a week for six weeks. Teachers who choose to tutor can teach a maximum of three students per six-week session, earning $30 an hour. This program is for students who are not eligible for the state tutoring program.
Qualified students will participate in tutoring four times a week for six weeks. Teachers who choose to tutor can teach a maximum of three students per six-week session, earning $30 an hour. This program is for students who are not eligible for the state tutoring program.
Does the tutoring effort have associated state legislation?
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