If you are working to develop a high-impact tutoring program statewide, your State Education Agency (SEA) and its leader - likely the State Superintendent or State Commissioner of Education are important decision-makers. SEA’s are responsible for administering state and federal education laws, dispersing state and federal resources, and providing guidance to public districts and schools across the state. Connecting with relevant departments and points of contact within your SEA can help influence them to prioritize high-impact tutoring.
You will want to share the research on effectiveness, successful examples of statewide tutoring programs, and why high-impact tutoring meets the needs of your state to gain their support. SEA’s are also curious about funding so being proactive about available funding sources is vital to making your case compelling. Major funding sources include: national service programs; the Federal Work-Study (FWS) program; philanthropy; and federal funds allocated to states and districts that can be accessed through long-standing Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) programs and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) programs, as well as via pandemic relief funds (see more information here).
Below is a set of tools specifically for engaging state leadership including key messages, FAQ’s, a presentation, and one-pager that can be adapted for your local context.
- Key Messages/Talking Points
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Presentation Powerpoint Template
- State Leadership One-Pager Leave Behind Template
Additional resources specifically for statewide efforts: