Overview: Why is it important to collaborate with your tutoring provider?
Your district’s degree of collaboration with a provider will depend on the program model and the level of logistics and support needed from the district to implement the program. Ideally, a tutoring provider will operate as a strategic partner, supporting the district to continuously reflect and improve upon the tutoring program. Providers are experts in their own model and should manage a lot of the detailed troubleshooting so that the districts can focus on higher-level strategic alignment of High-Impact Tutoring with district priorities.
What are best practices for collaborating with tutoring providers?
Ensure a single point person on each side.
Assign a primary point of contact who will be accountable for maintaining communication and sustaining the relationship.
Ensure that roles and responsibilities remain clear to all collaborators.
Establish clear roles, including who will create the agenda for collaboration and who will be accountable for ensuring follow-through on each step. Additionally, while both entities should have a point person, districts will want to decide when and how others across the district will engage in district collaboration. The guidance for Collaborator Involvement can support you in making these decisions.
Set aside time for collaboration both before and throughout implementation.
Spend significant time up front aligning your expectations with your provider’s. Depending on the provider’s model, this alignment could happen anywhere between six weeks and six months before launching tutoring.
While this up-front time will mainly be spent planning between the district and the provider, in some districts the tutoring provider may also work directly with schools. Even when the provider is primarily collaborating with the district, the tutoring provider and school should also hold a kick-off meeting. See our list of suggestions about how to kick off a tutoring collaboration at a school site, while the next section describes tutoring collaboration at the district level.
Once tutoring is launched, schedule a regular meeting every one to two weeks with the provider. After the first quarter, you may want to reflect on the quality and frequency of collaboration and make adjustments to your collaboration cadence based on provider and district needs. The list of Collaboration Topics below offers several suggestions.
Which stakeholders should be involved in collaboration efforts and how?
You should have a plan for how collaborators will interact directly with the provider in order to ensure that collaborators are appropriately and regularly updated and are able to give direct feedback to improve the program. See the recommendations below for how to involve collaborators in collaborating with your provider:
Recommended Collaborators | ||
Role < | How often | Rationale |
Tutoring Project Manager/Provider Relationship Manager | Every Meeting | The Project Manager should attend every meeting to make connections and pull in others from the district when relevant. The Project Manager may also develop agendas for the collaboration, though this should be decided on the front end with the provider. |
Superintendent/CAO (Depending on the size of the district) | 2-3 times per year | At a minimum, the superintendent or Chief Academic Officer should meet key individuals from the provider, have input on the final goals/outcomes of the tutoring program, and have access to end-of-program data.
The Superintendent/CAO ultimately signs off on the budget, and it is ideal for them to be aware of the return on their investment. |
Principals/Assistant Principals | At least 2-3 times per year
As often as every meeting (optional) |
Depending on the model and implementation, you may want to have principals and/or APs involved in the collaboration.
This involvement could be 2-3 times per year to provide feedback and thought partnership or it could be more consistent if desired and appropriate based on the scale of implementation. |
Classroom Teachers | At least every other month
At most once a month |
Teachers should have regular access to tutoring data.
Additionally, Additionally, classroom teachers may receive data analysis from providers based on tutoring data. Depending on your provider's capacity, they may provide classroom teachers with some support on how to adjust lesson plans to address problems seen in student understanding. School staff must be able to contact the provider when issues arise. |
Coaching Team | Depends on context | Depending on how much contact coaches have with tutors, you may want to integrate coaches into meetings for relevant topics.> |
District Data Point of Contact | During data reflections | Members from your data and analytics team should attend meetings where data from the field are presented and reflected upon.> |
What topics should be covered in collaboration efforts?
This list is divided into two sections: topics to discuss before implementation begins and during implementation.
Before Implementation Begins: Collaboration Topics At the start of the partnership, your goal is to establish a shared vision and robust system for collaboration. |
Roles |
Joint Collaboration Systems |
Program Decisions |
Data Systems |
Training for District/School Leaders and Teachers |
Determining Customization |
School Site Logistics |
Meeting Schedule |
During Implementation: Collaboration Topics While the district or provider should plan for a bi-weekly or monthly check-in, it also suggested that you schedule (at minimum) quarterly reflections to formally reflect on progress and make improvements. |
Impact Data Analysis | What do the data show us about engagement and initial impact?
Process | How effective is the following and where are there opportunities to troubleshoot?
Communication |
Data Reflection Protocol: In many cases, the provider will have an established data protocol and routine for reviewing and reflection upon data. However, if needed, you can implement this data reflection protocol, along with this guide on developing routines for regular data reflection. |
How do you work with multiple providers?
Depending on your Focus Area, the size of your district, and the proposed scale of your tutoring program, your district may partner with several providers simultaneously. If so, it can be beneficial for your district’s project manager to hold group meetings with leaders from all providers as well as individual meetings with each one. How often groups of providers and the district should meet will depend on the level of program overlap, the importance of potential discussion topics, and the number of providers who will require cross-collaboration.
Multi-Provider Meetings: Collaboration Topics If providers do not have overlap across schools, then a bi-annual meeting could be enough to build relationships and share best practices. However, if providers are working in the same schools, then more frequent meetings, quarterly at minimum, can help address challenges and cultivate collaboration. |
Shared Vision for Collaboration |
School Site and Student Selection |
Reflection and Improvement |
Note: These meetings are important even if few actionable steps come out of them. Particularly when different providers tackle similar challenges but take different approaches, a territorial or competitive atmosphere can emerge. Multi-provider meetings can foster constructive relationships by giving all providers a structured time to share best practices, communicate openly and honestly about challenges, and celebrate each other's successes. The value of these meetings is not always quantifiable, but they can help cultivate an atmosphere of camaraderie and mutual trust among all providers. |