Tutoring Program Badge Design

Parent Engagement

Randomized controlled trial study conducted?

Quasi-experimental study conducted?

This database includes an initial set of organizations that offer tutoring, technology platforms or academic interventions along with relevant information if available.  This is not meant to be an inclusive list, but a starting point. We welcome additional organizations to join the database by completing this form.

  • Tutoring programs are those organizations that offer one-on-one and/or small group tutoring directly to students, either in-person, virtually, or through both modes of delivery. 
  • Technology platforms are technology platforms that facilitate tutoring programs.
  • Interventions offer materials (e.g., an instructional scope and sequence, placement assessment, progress monitoring tools) that are used by a tutoring program, but do not offer tutoring directly.  

This database is intended for Districts, States or nonprofits to identify potential tutoring partners, for potential tutors to identify potential employers and for tutoring organizations to have a clearer understanding of the landscape and to identify interventions that might be useful to their programs, if needed.

Please note that some of these programs are also listed on ProvenTutoring.org where you can find additional information on relevant research studies and costs.

Displaying 31 - 60 of 123

EdEquityTH was built on the premise of free tutoring and lessons for underprivileged children. There are many people and children around the world who do not have access to quality education so we seek to do our part to help those who do not have access to quality education. Services are completely free and are entirely supported through volunteers, patrons and donations.

As an organization, we create videos and worksheets for a variety of courses/subjects at multiple levels such as math, english, history, chemistry, physics, biology, and SAT. We also offer live tutoring sessions for children, which is done with a single or small team of tutors.

EduTutorVA program description includes:

  • Virtual
  • Reading or Math
  • Grades 3-8
  • Title 1 school partners
  • During the day or in an afterschool club
  • 40-60 hours/ school year
  • Groups of 2-3 students with the same tutor all year
  • College tutors from Virginia’s colleges & universities
  • Tutors are paid a competitive honorarium for their time, curriculum, paid workshops, and ongoing support from a tutor couch

Elevate offers free STEM tutoring to schools, after-school programs, and families in the San Fransisco Bay Area. Tutors are first-generation college students trained in growth mindset coaching methods and educational equity. To qualify for free services, schools or families must meet regional low-income standards.

High school tutors from across the Central New York area register through our website and are firstly interviewed. They are then paired with a student who is in need of tutoring. We hold tutoring sessions weekly on Saturday and Sunday at morning and evening times. Parents and tutors provide feedback through our optional session review forms.

Enhanced Core Reading Instruction is a multi-tiered program (Tier 1 and Tier 2) featuring a series of teaching routines designed to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of reading instruction in kindergarten, first and second grade.

EQPD supports students and schools with high-impact tutoring, tailored professional development and program management services. As EQPD, we provide high-impact tutoring, tailored professional development and efficient program management to students and schools across the country through our three main pillars of service: EQPD K-12 Connect, EQPD to Grow and EQPD Next. 

  • EQPD K-12 Connect works with K-12 schools to provide virtual and in-person high-impact tutoring. 
  • EQPD to Grow works directly with families to provide tutoring and mentoring to their children. EQPD is also an approved ESA provider in many states across the country.
  • EQPD Next works with colleges and universities to place and manage their Federal Work-Study students that expand the teacher talent pipeline and strengthen the quality of academic and other supports available to students.

School districts partnered with Equal Education to provide a regional scale tutoring intervention programme to improve the educational outcomes of Children in Care in schools. The programme has a strict design on assessments, methodology and delivery. This was to ensure that the tutoring was helping vulnerable students to attain higher. 

The Tuition: Individualized Learning Programme (TILP) is designed to, 

  • Target literacy attainment
  • Provide accurate assessment using the New Group Reading Test (NGRT)
  • Identify gaps in learning and provide strategies, suggestions, and interventions
  • Address pupils’ individual needs through teaching strategies and Reading Wise
  • Individual support – School teaching staff (SEMH), ReadingWise and EE Operational lead.
  • Raise attainment alongside supporting their emotional needs (SEMH). 

The Tuition: Individualised Learning Programme (TILP) is a three-term programme. As part of the TILP project, teaching staff were carefully chosen to carry out 1-1 tuition (25hrs), where they already had a good relationship with the young person. This enabled the ‘Tutor – Tutee’ to build a stronger relationship and enable the young person to fully engage in the tuition and make progress as a result by raising their attainment whilst supporting their emotional needs.

Trains tutors in subsidized platforms, recruits tutors, provides Implementation Workshop Series, provides HIT Summer Institute, provides LEA training, coaching, and The ESC Region 13 High Impact Tutoring Program provides COVID-19 learning recovery solutions that support acceleration. We aim to be your first call for high-quality resources, tools, training, and implementation support.

AARP Foundation's Experience Corps is an intergenerational volunteer-based tutoring program that is proven to help children who aren’t reading at grade level become great readers by the end of third grade.

The GO Foundation runs the GO Fellowship, an AmeriCorps national service program providing students in grades 3-12 with high-dosage tutoring in ELA and/or math and near-peer mentoring in an embedded model – from morning arrival through the end of the school day. Our tutors (“GO Fellows”) are typically recent college or high school graduates serving as AmeriCorps members who are trained to provide a year of hands-on service in schools. GO Fellows, who undergo a rigorous selection process, develop the communities they serve, mentor for leadership, and instruct for mastery. GO Foundation currently serves in district and charter schools in CT, DC, Newark NJ, and New York City.

GO Foundation has three key goals.
1. Improving literacy and math achievement for students served. Unlike most tutorial models, the GO Fellowship is designed to integrate fully into schools. Across GO program sties, 9 out of 10 teachers report that Fellows improve student learning.

2. Building school community. GO Fellows act as near-peer mentors and help students grow their social and emotional skills. Most program sites create additional mentoring opportunities through sports teams, clubs, affinity groups, and/or advisory groups that GO Fellows co-facilitate with teachers and other site staff. Additionally, GO Fellows often support the development and execution of extracurricular activities, after-school programs, and enrichment initiatives that complement student and school culture.

3. Increasing representation in the classroom. GO strives to recruit Fellows who represent the communities in which we serve. Nearly two-thirds of GO Fellows are people of color and their life experiences often mirror those of their students. To attract much-needed talent to the educational sector, promising Fellows who are interested in teaching are selected for a Teacher Residency program.

Fraction Face-Off! (FFO!) is a small-group systematic, structured tutoring program designed to promote knowledge of fractions to 4th grade students. FFO! emphasizes the three domains listed below:

  • Understanding fraction magnitude, including comparing, ordering, and placing fractions on number lines, and fraction equivalencies;
  • Fraction calculations, including an understanding of the operations and executing the operations;
  • Fraction word problems to contextualize fractions as numbers in everyday contexts and strengthen fraction magnitude understanding.

Future Forward is an early literacy intervention that provides individualized one-on-one tutoring and family engagement for kindergarten through 3rd grade struggling readers. The program is traditionally implemented embedded in schools, though we have piloted both virtual and hybrid implementation models for distance intervention (please note: These models have not yet been rigorously evaluated).

We provide a tutoring program for grades K-3, using recorded reading lessons that engage the learner in the workbook following the directions of the teacher to follow the presentation. There are 350+ video lessons organized in an LMS (Learning Management System). An onsite reading coach or tutor/mentor then reviews the workbook for completion and checks the student's understanding confidence in reading the exercises in the lesson. The program facilitates the student moving at their own pace, lessons are available 24-7, tutoring sessions are designed to review several completed lessons with the student.

We work with schools and educational organizations to provide tutoring content in an after school environment and in summer reading programs. We have training for tutor/mentors and can be in person to help launch a reading program.

GT matches Brandeis students with Waltham public school students (K-12) for free 1 on 1 tutoring in any academic subject on campus

Students are referred to GO based on academic and financial needs. Students are paired with a private tutor at no cost and begin a journey together that will last through middle school. Every student receives two, one-hour sessions per week over 30 weeks— resulting in 60 additional hours of individualized academic support and care in a safe and nurturing after-school environment. Tutoring takes place on-site, at the child's school, allowing a smooth end-of-day transition for students. The consistency and support provided change a child's academic trajectory in profound ways. 

Additional academic and social-emotional support from a safe, stable, and reliable role model is critical for the future of our most vulnerable students. 

GO Tutors meet with classroom teachers at the start of the year to set learning goals for their students. They observe students in the classroom and attend curriculum nights and parent-teacher conferences. This individualized system of support ensures the child's academic needs are met. 

In addition to one-on-one tutoring, GO tutors serve as mentors. They are a bridge between home and school, partnering with parents and caregivers to provide enrichment opportunities for the family. Whether tickets to a play, a sporting event, visiting a museum, or receiving sponsorship for swimming or music lessons, this added level of trust, support, and opportunity transform students' feelings about school, their community, and life. 

GO worked in partnership with the Ithaca City School District Bus Department until 2019, when the pandemic turned our world inside out. For 14 years, GO students were transported home at the end of their tutoring session, providing a smooth end-of-day transition for students whose families have little to no access to transportation. When ICSD suspended bus service, GO found creative ways to ensure students could continue tutoring after school and on-site, including membership with a local nonprofit organization, Ithaca Carshare. GO received emergency grant funds to cover the cost of transportation, and many tutors drove students home following their tutoring sessions. 

Three years into the pandemic, GO continues to face transportation challenges. This year, several ICSD after-school programs have agreed to accept GO students into their programs at no cost, and many students will participate in a brand new initiative called The GO Club. Centrally located at BJM Elementary, The GO Club will be home to children from six elementary schools, allowing them to broaden their peer groups while building social skills in a cooperative learning environment. The ICSD bus department will once again provide the necessary transportation for GO students.

Community-university partnership to enhance performance of PK-12 students- consists of many more specific programs including curriculum boost, suture lab, Student Educational Experience Development Program, Paving our Futures.

Tutors work with elementary schools in Charlotte-Mecklenburg and provide 30 minute 1:1 tutoring sessions twice per week during the school day. The program serves 50 students in grades 1-5 per school who are nominated by school staff based on their need for math support.

With a focus on improving educational equity and promoting a more just society, Helps Education Fund provides evidence-based programs and services that are free or low-cost and meaningfully advance student learning.

Hill Learning Center provides students and educators with the instruction, tools, and support they need to succeed in school, and in life. We serve students directly, and share the evidence based practices implemented in our school with educators everywhere via the Hill Learning System and educator professional development. Our signature program is HillRAP (Reading Achievement Program.) Hill Tutoring serves families with both individual tutoring and small-group classes that are built upon research, individualized instruction, and successful teaching techniques.

Our program matches West Michigan college students with one resettled refugee student in the Kalamazoo, MI area for 1:1 homework and general academic assistance.  Homework-help is our basis, but we also utilize session times for fun interactive games to encourage social interaction in a time of such isolation.

The Ignite! Reading program is typically implemented during the independent reading portion of a school’s literacy block or during a designated intervention period. Students receive 15 minutes per day of one-on-one instruction over Zoom from a highly-trained remote tutor. By leveraging Zoom we are able to both ensure that tutors are implementing the curriculum with fidelity and eliminate the traditional challenges of ensuring enough tutors are available at the time and place they are needed. School partners are responsible for ensuring that students show up on time for their tutoring sessions each day. Ignite! Reading serves students in K-5 and provides school partners with baseline and ongoing progress monitoring data.

Immokalee Readers is an after-school early intervention literacy tutoring program designed to help the lowest-performing young readers by supplementing their regular classroom instruction.

Ingenify is a two sided marketplace that connects high school volunteers with kids who need free tutoring.

For 28 years, IFL has been building community partnerships and developing innovative software and human-powered solutions to advance early literacy. We collaborate with schools, districts, teachers, businesses, and students, and provide customized, technology-based tools for individualized instruction. Our comprehensive, unique, and proven “whole village” approach has helped more than 70,000 K-2 students succeed as readers. IFL’s core program, TutorMate, combines intensive, high-dosage (H-D), 1:1 tutoring led by trained paraprofessionals with weekly 1:1 enrichment tutoring led by trained corporate volunteers. Using proprietary software and loaned hardware, students connect to tutors remotely or in person and build solid foundations in phonics, sight word acquisition, as well as reading fluency, comprehension, enjoyment, and confidence. In the U.S., more than 8,000 students participate in H-D tutoring and enrichment tutoring annually. Research shows TutorMate students significantly increase reading proficiency, enjoyment and confidence. A recent two-year study showed that 1st grade H-D participants experienced a 163% increase in reading scores, compared to a 41% increase among non-participants."

Volunteers are matched with students in small groups to develop a trusting, relationship and to engage in structured activities, often around classroom or homework-related topic. Inspiring Minds views tutoring as the direct and clearly defined work to support the student's academic skill development and mentoring as the more indirect work aimed at cultivating caring, positive relationships which will boost student confidence and promote academic achievement.

Intutorly's volunteer tutors provide one-on-one tutoring to elementary and middle school students in need. All lessons are free of charge and offered online only at the student's convenience. Instruction is provided in a range of subjects, including reading, writing, math, science, and English as a second language. Students sign up by filling out a form on the website and then are matched with a tutor based on their individual educational needs and goals. Most tutors work with their students at least weekly for a minimum of 12 weeks.

After school tutoring, mentoring and Summer Enrichment programs

As part of Jumpstart’s mission to ensure children enter kindergarten prepared to succeed, college student volunteers work to provide high-quality services to children through Jumpstart classroom service and planning. Jumpstart provides volunteers with the training, coaching, and support to ensure that all of Jumpstart’s activities provide children with high-quality, developmentally appropriate experiences and supportive interactions with well-trained adults.

Offering free virtual tutoring sessions for K-12 students for all subjects.

The information contained in the Tutoring Database is a compilation of publicly available information and information voluntarily provided by the identified organizations. THIS DATABASE AND ALL ITS CONTENTS ARE PROVIDED AS IS and are for informational purposes only. Neither Stanford University nor Systems Change for Advancing Learning and Equity (SCALE) at Stanford University nor the National Student Support Accelerator make any guarantees, warranties, or representations as to the accuracy or completeness of the database or the information it contains, and none assume any responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that the database may contain. Use of this database is at the sole and exclusive risk of the user, and neither Stanford University, nor Systems Change for Advancing Learning and Equity (SCALE) at Stanford University, nor the National Student Support Accelerator shall have any liability for any claim, act, or omission arising out of or in connection with the use of the database.

The inclusion of an organization's information in the Tutoring Database does not indicate that Stanford University, Systems Change for Advancing Learning and Equity (SCALE) at Stanford University, the National Student Support Accelerator, or any individual associated with these entities endorse or support that organization. The National Student Support Accelerator includes all tutoring programs it is aware of in the Tutoring Database. In contrast, the Accelerator uses the following inclusion criteria for academic intervention materials. To be included, interventions must: 1) have a randomized control trial or quasi-experimental study, 2) that produced an effect size of +0.20 or greater OR 3) have particularly high-quality instructional materials but do not yet have RCT or QES research.