The “So, You Want to Start a Tutoring Organization” webinar series is meant to help demystify the process of starting a tutoring organization. This 3-part series includes: Decision Making, Recruitment and Selection, and Safety, Expectations, Accessibility, and Evaluation.
In this webinar, Part 2: Recruitment and Selection we will go over the necessary steps to take when recruiting tutors, what to include in an effective job description, and what to keep in mind when developing and implementing your recruitment and selection strategies. Be sure to also check out Part 1 and Part 3 of the “So, You Want to Start a Tutoring Organization” series, Decision Making and Safety, Expectations, Accessibility, and Evaluation.
Specific tools from the Toolkit for Tutoring Programs referred to in this webinar can be found here:
- Slide 3: Tutors
- Slide 4: Tutor Job Description
- Slide 5: Tutor Recruitment Strategy
- Slide 6: Tutors