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10/26/2021. Legislation
Establishes a statewide Arkansas Tutoring Corps (with a focus on rural areas), to address interrupted learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Stipulations include:  - Should address the immediate emergency as well as lay the groundwork for a long-term, sustainable strategy  - Tutors must be qualified (as defined by the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education), trained and provided ongoing support  - Developed for K-6th grade math and reading  - Tutoring curriculum must be aligned with state standards

10/05/2021. Event
The U.S. Department of Education’s ED COVID-19 Handbook highlights tutoring as a key strategy for supporting student academic needs and for addressing the impact of lost instructional time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Funds from the American Rescue Plan can be used to implement high-quality tutoring. In this 90-minute REL West webinar, presenters will discuss tutoring as a way to address opportunity gaps exacerbated by the pandemic. They will share about evidence-based tools developed by Brown University’s National Student Support Accelerator that facilitate district planning, launch, and continuous improvement of effective tutoring programs.

09/27/2021. Article
We are excited to announce that we are now accepting applications for our Equitable Education Recovery Initiative. This initiative will provide each of 24 organizations a $200K unrestricted Catalyze Investment grant along with New Profit cohort-based capacity-building support and participation in a peer learning community—all over the course of three years. We are looking for community-based organizations providing ELA/math tutoring, whole child supports, and/or postsecondary advising to K-12 students in one or more of the following geographies: Denver Metro, Memphis/Nashville, and/or any part of California’s Central Valley from Fresno to Sacramento, plus Oakland.

09/10/2021. Article
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (September 13, 2021) —The National Student Support Accelerator is excited to share our new tool that makes it easier for tutoring programs to improve their quality and for districts selecting tutoring providers to better understand their provider options: The Tutoring Quality Improvement System (TQIS) The TQIS, developed in partnership with Bellwether Consulting, provides developing or operating tutoring program with:

09/07/2021. Webinar
Cultural Awareness

09/07/2021. Webinar
Family Engagement

09/07/2021. Webinar
Session Content

09/07/2021. Webinar
Data Use: Evaluation and Improvement

09/02/2021. Webinar
Susanna Loeb from the National Student Support Accelerator shares research, best practices, and resources educators can use when implementing high-impact tutoring at their LEAs.

08/23/2021. Article
The National Student Support Accelerator is releasing the High-Impact Tutoring: District Playbook (the Playbook), a downloadable online manual with detailed instructions about how to implement a high-impact tutoring program. The Playbook offers practical advice about everything from assessing what content tutoring should cover to estimating budgets to embedding tutoring in a school schedule. With checklists, suggested timelines and structured ways to tackle complex decisions such as whether districts should partner with existing tutoring organizations or build their own in-house programs, the Playbook aims to make the project of implementing high-impact tutoring less daunting and easier.

08/18/2021. Organization
Tutor Matching Service is the tutor management platform from Study Edge, a learning science company committed to improving the entire education continuum, from K-12 to college and beyond. For K-12 students specifically, one-on-one tutoring has been shown to have a significant impact on overall student performance.

08/12/2021. Article
Nearly $2 billion in federal pandemic aid is landing in the bank accounts of Dallas-area schools to help students recover from the pandemic. The money — which state leaders announced this spring would flow to Texas schools — has a few strings attached. Districts must spend it on addressing student needs. ...

07/31/2021. Article
DISD is part of a national collaborative working with researchers at Brown University to study how to maximize the impact of tutoring. Brown’s National Student Support Accelerator points to research showing that tutoring interventions can translate to between three and 15 additional months of learning.

07/29/2021. Tool
Overview: Why are continuous improvement systems critical to sustainability? All tutoring programs and especially new tutoring programs need improvement. Continuous improvement systems allow you to gather, act on and share the information needed to reach and exceed program goals and inform and build support from stakeholders.

07/29/2021. Tool
Overview: How do you identify causes and solutions to poor enrollment or attendance? This section offers solutions to common challenges concerning student enrollment and attendance. Use the recommendations proactively to establish systems early: enrollment and attendance are non-negotiable necessities for a tutoring program to succeed, and they do not happen automatically.

07/29/2021. Tool
What is a District Landscape Analysis? A Landscape Analysis outlines the strengths, resources, and needs of a particular school district. It provides a framework for designing a service and ensuring that it is embedded directly in the needs of the district.

07/27/2021. Tool
Overview: How can districts and schools work together to schedule tutoring into the school day? Once you have identified the schools where tutoring will happen and selected the students who will receive it, you are ready to tackle the logistical challenge of scheduling when and where your program’s tutoring sessions will take place.

07/27/2021. Tool
Overview: Why should you create guidance for which students receive tutoring? All students can benefit from high-impact tutoring, but you will probably need to prioritize which students receive this tutoring, at least in the short-run. Once you have chosen a focus area (subject and grade level) and identified partner schools for your program, the next step is to select which students at each school will receive tutoring. The district should create overall guidelines for schools to make these decisions.

07/27/2021. Tool
Overview: Why should you be selective about your program’s schools? Choosing schools whose communities are fully invested in your program’s success will help you optimize your model more quickly. Prioritizing the schools whose students need tutoring most will ensure that your program can make a meaningful impact at any scale. What criteria should you consider when selecting your program’s schools? Does this school need this program?

07/27/2021. Tool
Implement High-Impact Tutoring Overview: Why should you be selective about your program’s schools? What criteria should you consider when selecting your program’s schools? Selecting Students Overview: Why should you create guidance for which students receive tutoring? What criteria should you consider when selecting students? Scheduling Sessions

07/27/2021. Tool
Overview: Why is tutor training and support important? Tutor training is required to fill gaps between your selection criteria and your ideal tutor’s qualities. While the level of training required depends on tutor experience and student-tutor ratio, pre-service training alone will not be sufficient. All tutor types perform better with direction and coaching.

07/27/2021. Tool
Overview: How do you build an effective and diverse cohort of tutors? Your tutors are your program’s most important asset. To find the best tutors for the role, you must clearly define required qualifications and ideal qualities, prioritize them based on your district context and program model, and design an intentional recruitment and selection strategy to build a diverse cohort of tutors that will meet your scale goals while remaining within your tutoring program’s budget.

07/27/2021. Tool
Overview: What does Model Design involve? Model Design involves several steps including understanding the needs of your district by conducting a District Landscape Analysis< developing a logic model to map how your program will address these needs and then making a series of consistent and coherent choices along various model design dimensions based on this information. Conducting a District Landscape Analysis is covered in Section 1: Lay the Foundation.

07/27/2021. Tool
Overview: What does grow your own tutoring program mean? You may opt to build a new program from the ground up, leveraging the existing systems in your district and the talent pool in your community. Both with regard to program design and implementation, when a district grows its own program it has more choices to make; with this greater autonomy comes greater control over outcomes, but also greater risk of implementing ineffective practices.

07/27/2021. Tool
Overview: Why is it important to collaborate with your tutoring provider? Your district’s degree of collaboration with a provider will depend on the program model and the level of logistics and support needed from the district to implement the program. Ideally, a tutoring provider will operate as a strategic partner, supporting the district to continuously reflect and improve upon the tutoring program.

07/27/2021. Tool
Overview: Why is it important to have a contract? Most districts will require formal contracts to be in place before work with a provider can begin, but even if your district does not, an agreement or Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) should be in place before work begins. This helps you and your provider align your expectations and incentives at the outset, preemptively solving problems before they arise. Before drawing up your contract, check your district’s policies for any limitations on the following:

07/27/2021. Tool
Overview: How do you plan for issuing an RFP? An RFP may be required depending on the scale of your program and the regulations in your district. If so, understanding the approval process is critical. Some districts may require approval from the school board, while others may allow district employees to sign off.

07/27/2021. Tool
Overview: What are the key steps to selecting a provider? Thousands of organizations identify themselves as tutoring organizations, but few will be a strong match for your district’s needs. Selecting a provider can be straightforward by following the steps outlined in this section and using the provided tools. You can start by identifying potential providers on the National Student Support Accelerator’s website or by using a request for proposal process.

07/27/2021. Tool
Overview: Why is partnering with a provider a good option? High-Impact Tutoring programs are difficult to design and implement effectively. When possible, relying on an organization with a track record of doing both successfully can increase the likelihood that your own district’s tutoring program will be successful. Your Focus Area for tutoring is largely determined by the unmet needs in your own district; these needs may represent gaps in your district’s expertise or implementation.

07/27/2021. Tool
Once you have completed initial planning, the next critical task is designing the tutoring program. Districts may choose to partner with a tutoring provider and use the provider’s program design, design and grow their own tutoring program or pursue a hybrid approach. If you have not done so already, learn more about how to choose an approach for your district in Tutoring Approach: Partner with a Provider, Grow Your Own Program or Hybrid?