Resource | Tutoring Framework Reference | Source | User |
Culturally Sustaining Teaching and Learning | |||
Culturally Sustaining Education | |||
Anti - Bias Toolkit | Equity | UnboundEd | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Centering Equity During Pandemic Recovery | Equity | Alliance for Resource Equity | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Checking for Bias | Equity | Southern Poverty Law Center | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Culturally Responsive - Sustaining Education | Equity | University of the State of New York | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Developing Your Cultural Awareness | Equity | Digital Promise | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Digital Equity Considerations: Advancing Digital Equity for All | Equity, Instruction | Office of Educational Technology | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager, Parent (Caregiver) |
Dimensions of Equity | Equity | Alliance for Resource Equity | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Dismantling Mathematics Microaggressions | Equity | TODOS Mathematics for All | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
High Level Tasks in the Mathematics Classroom | Instruction | Institute for Learning | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Including Voice in Education: Addressing Equity Through Student and Family Voice | Equity | Institute of Education Sciences | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Learner Variability Project in the Field: A Guide for Culturally Responsive Practice | Equity | Digital Promise | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Learning for Justice Film Kits | Equity | Learning for Justice - Southern Poverty Law Center formerly Teaching Tolerance | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Learning for Justice Self-Guided Learning | Equity, Instruction | Learning for Justice - Southern Poverty Law Center formerly Teaching Tolerance | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Learning for Justice Webinars | Equity | Southern Poverty Law Center | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Math and Social Justice | Equity, Instruction | Radical Math | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Social Justice and Equity Resources by Topic | Equity, Instruction | National Council of Teachers of Mathematics | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Social Justice Math Problems grades 3 - 12 | Equity, Instruction | University of Tennessee | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Student + Teacher Collaborative on Race and Racism | Equity | Dallas ISD | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Teachers Empowered to Advance Change in Mathematics Project (TEACH Math) | Equity | Teach Math | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Teaching STEM in Ways that Respect and Build Upon Indigenous People’s Rights | Equity | Institute for Science + Math Education | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Toolkit for “Mathematics in Context: The Pedagogy of Liberation” | Equity | Southern Poverty Law Center | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Equitable Math Teaching | |||
4 Go - To Learner - Centered Routines to Bolster Math Discussions, In - Person and Online | Equity, Instruction | Institute for Learning - University of Pittsburgh | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction | Equity, Instruction | Pathway to Equitable Instruction | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Agency and Voice: A Push for Greater Equity and What it Looks Like in Math | Equity, Instruction | Institute for Learning - University of Pittsburgh | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Creating Equitable Classrooms Via Culturally Inclusive Mathematics Teaching | Equity, Instruction | Casio Education | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Equitable Mathematics Instruction | Equity, Instruction | UnboundEd | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Equity in Mathematics Education Requires a Systemic Approach | Equity, Instruction | Casio Education | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Making Equity a Reality in Your Math Classroom | Equity, Instruction | Casio Education | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Racial Equity Tools | Equity | Racial Equity Tools | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Using 4 Learner - Centered Routines to Build Positive Math Identity in Equitable Classrooms | Equity, Instruction | Institute for Learning - University of Pittsburgh | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Math for Multilingual Learners (English Language Learners) | |||
English Learner Success Forum Math Guidelines | Equity, Instruction | English Learners Success Forum | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Information for Mathematics Educators of Students Who are English Learners in Grades 6 - 8 | Equity, Instruction | Education Development Center | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Middle Grades Mathematics Instruction for Multilingual Learners: Strategies for Success | Equity, Instruction | Education Development Center | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Multilingual Learning Toolkit | Equity, Instruction | New Venture Fund | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Positioning Multilingual Learners for Success in Mathematics | Equity, Instruction | TODOS Mathematics for All |
Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Research on Multilingual Learners in Mathematics Classrooms | Equity, Instruction | TODOS Mathematics for All |
Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Relationship Building | |||
Creating a Sense of Belonging: A Critical Need for Student Engagement and Success | Equity, Safety | EdWeb | Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Critical Mentorship - A Practical Guide (Book) | Equity, Safety | Torie Weiston-Serdan | Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Empowering Students to Develop an Academic Identity | Equity, Safety | Edutopia | Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Relationship Strategy for Addressing Challenging Behavior | Equity, Instruction, Safety | Edutopia | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Tapping Into Compassion When Students Push Your Buttons | Equity, Safety | Edutopia | Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Tutoring Toolkit: Relationship - Building | Equity, Safety | National Student Support Accelerator | Tutor |
Social Emotional Learning | |||
Fundamentals of SEL | Data Use, Instruction | CASEL | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Hear Stories for Families Using SEL Strategies at Home | Instruction | CASEL | Parent (Caregiver) |
SEL in the Classroom | Data Use, Instruction | CASEL | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
SEL with Families & Caregivers | Data Use, Instruction | CASEL | Parent (Caregiver) |
Social and Emotional Learning and Mathematics | Instruction | University of Texas at Austin | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
The Possibilities of SEL + Mathematics | Instruction | TODOS Mathematics for All | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
What is Social Emotional Learning? | Data Use, Instruction | CASEL | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor |
Grade Level Support | |||
PK - 5 | |||
10 Key Mathematics Practices for All Elementary Schools | Instruction | Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
A Family’s Guide: Fostering your child’s success in school mathematics | Instruction, Learning Integration | National Council of Teachers of Mathematics | Parent (Caregiver) |
Assistments | Instruction | Assistments | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor |
Counting and Cardinality: A Guide to Kindergarten Math Standards | Instruction | UnboundEd | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
How to Keep Your Elementary Students Focused | Instruction | Edutopia | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Math Apps | Instruction | Math Learning Center | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager, Parent (Caregiver) |
Math Word Problem Support at Home | Instruction, Learning Integration | Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk | Parent (Caregiver) |
Number & Operations in Base Ten: A Guide to Grade 5 Math Standards | Instruction | UnboundEd | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Number Talks | Instruction | University of Texas at Austin | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager, Parent (Caregiver) |
Operations and Algebraic Thinking: A Guide to Grade 1 Math Standards | Instruction | UnboundEd | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Operations and Algebraic Thinking: A Guide to Grade 2 Math Standards | Instruction | UnboundEd | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Operations and Algebraic Thinking: A Guide to Grade 3 Math Standards | Instruction | UnboundEd | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Operations and Algebraic Thinking: A Guide to Grade 4 Math Standards | Instruction | UnboundEd | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Pirate Math Education Quest | Instruction | Vanderbilt University | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Play. Create. Share. | Instruction | Math Minds | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Project STAIR (videos) | Instruction | Project STAIR - University of Missouri, Southern Methodist University, and the University of Texas at Austin | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Pre-School Teachers can use a PBS Kids Transmedia Curriculum Supplement to Support Young Children’s Mathematics Learning: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial | Instruction | Education Development Center | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Public Lessons | Instruction | University of Texas at Austin | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager, Parent (Caregiver) |
SFUSD Elementary Math Distance Learning Scope and Sequence | Instruction | SFUSD | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
The Mathematics Task Analysis Guide | Instruction | Implementing standards-based mathematics instruction: A casebook for professional development | Teacher as Tutor |
What Works Clearinghouse | Instruction | Institute of Education Sciences | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Zearn Math | Instruction | Zearn | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager, Parent (Caregiver) |
6 - 8 | |||
10 Key Math Practices for All Middle and Secondary Schools | Instruction | Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
A Family’s Guide: Fostering your child’s success in school mathematics | Instruction, Learning Integration | National Council of Teachers of Mathematics | Parent (Caregiver) |
Assistments | Instruction | Assistments | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Common Sense Education: Best Adaptive Math Games and Sites | Data Use, Instruction | Common Sense Education | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager, Parent (Caregiver) |
Desmos Math Tools | Instruction | Desmos | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Digital Math Games and Apps: What Works and What Doesn’t? | Instruction | EdWeek | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager, Parent (Caregiver) |
Figure This! Family Corner | Instruction | National Council of Teachers of Mathematics | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager, Parent (Caregiver) |
Figure This! Teacher Corner | Instruction | National Council of Teachers of Mathematics | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Geometry: A Guide to Grade 8 Math Standards | Instruction | UnboundEd | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Illustrative Mathematics Curriculum | Instruction | Illustrative Mathematics | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Math Word Problem Support at Home | Instruction, Learning Integration | Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk | Parent (Caregiver) |
Middle School Courses: Geometry, Numbers & Algebra, Probability & Applications | Instruction | Mathigon | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Number Talks | Instruction | University of Texas at Austin | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager, Parent (Caregiver) |
Project STAIR (videos) | Instruction | Project STAIR - University of Missouri, Southern Methodist University, and the University of Texas at Austin | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Public Lessons | Instruction | University of Texas at Austin | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager, Parent (Caregiver) |
Puzzles, Activities, and Lesson Plans | Instruction | Mathigon | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Ratios: A Guide to Grade 6 Math Standards | Instruction | UnboundEd | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Ratios: A Guide to Grade 7 Math Standards | Instruction | UnboundEd | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Saga Math Tutoring Curriculum | Equity, Tutor, Instruction | Saga Education | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor |
The Mathematical Playground | Instruction | Mathigon | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager, Parent (Caregiver) |
What Works Clearinghouse | Instruction | Institute of Education Sciences | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Zearn Math | Instruction | Zearn | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager, Parent (Caregiver) |
Instructional Strategies | |||
Differentiation in Math | |||
Assisting Students Struggling in Math: Intervention in the Early Grades | Data Use, Instruction | Institute of Education Sciences | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Intensive Intervention in Mathematics Course Content | Data Use, Instruction | American Institutes for Research | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Interventions and Progress Monitoring Toolkit: Free MTSS/RTI Templates | Instruction | Panorama Education | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Effective Tutoring and Teaching | |||
7 Ways to Increase a Student’s Attention Span | Instruction | Edutopia | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
10 Strategies to Keep Students Engaged in the Classroom | Instruction | Class Craft | Teacher as Tutor |
A Model for Improving Student Talk in the Math Classroom | Instruction | Ellevation | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Accessible Mathematics Experiences for Remote Learning | Instruction | Education Development Center | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Accountable Talk | Instruction | Institute for Learning | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Building Classroom Climate for Mathematical Learning | Instruction | University of Texas at Austin | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Concrete - Representational - Abstract: Instructional Sequence for Mathematics | Instruction | Pennsylvania Department of Education | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Cross-age Math Tutoring of Kindergarten and First Grade Students by Middle School Tutors | Tutor, Instruction | International Journal of Education in Mathematics | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor |
Early Math Predicts Later Math: Implications for Interventions | Instruction | University of Texas at Austin College of Education | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Error Analysis for Mathematics | Instruction | Vanderbilt University | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Free Teaching Resources: Fun Classroom Activities and Lesson Plan Ideas | Instruction | Houghton Mifflin Harcourt | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
High Level Tasks in the Mathematics Classroom | Instruction | Institute for Learning | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
High Quality Mathematics Instruction | Instruction | Vanderbilt University | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
How to Use Real World Problems to Teach Elementary School Math: 6 Tips | Instruction | EdWeek | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Metacognitive Strategies | Instruction | Vanderbilt University | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Number Talks | Instruction | University of Texas at Austin | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Project STAIR (videos) | Instruction | Project STAIR - University of Missouri, Southern Methodist University, and the University of Texas at Austin | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor |
Public Lessons | Instruction | University of Texas at Austin | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Saga Math Tutoring Curriculum | Equity, Tutor, Instruction | Saga Education | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor |
Solving the Iceberg Problem - Learning Loss | Instruction | New Classrooms | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor. Tutor Program Manager |
Standards for Mathematical Practice | Instruction | The University of Texas at Austin | Tutor as Teacher, Tutor Program Manager |
Strategies to Increase All Students’ Mathematics Learning and Achievement | Instruction | Education Development Center | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
The Importance of Early Math | Instruction | Education Development Center | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
The Importance of Rich Tasks in K - 12 Mathematics | Instruction | McGraw Hill Education | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
The Science of Math | Instruction | The Science of Math | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Using an Online Tool For learning About and Implementing Algebra Progress Monitoring | Instruction | Council for Exceptional Children | Teacher as Tutor |
Word Problem Strategies | Instruction | Pivot Learning | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Formative Assessment | |||
7 Smart Ways to do Formative Assessment | Data Use, Instruction | Edutopia | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
27 Easy Strategies Formative Assessment Strategies | Data Use, Instruction | NWEA | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Feedback that Empowers Students | Data Use, Instruction | Edutopia | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Formative assessment with interactive whiteboards: A one-year longitudinal study of primary students’ mathematical performance | Data Use, Instruction | Science Direct | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Formative Re-Engaging Lessons | Instruction | University of Texas at Austin | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Using Frequent Feedback Cycles to Guide Student Work | Data Use, Instruction | Edutopia | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Using Popular Apps for Formative Assessment | Data Use, Instruction | Edutopia | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Goal Setting | |||
How to write SMART Goals | Data Use, Instruction | University of California | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager, Parent (Caregiver) |
SMART Goal Setting with your Student | Data Use, Instruction | Edutopia | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager, Parent (Caregiver) |
Thinking Critically About Goal Setting | Data Use, Instruction | Edutopia | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager, Parent (Caregiver) |
Tutor-Student Goal Setting Conferences | Data Use, Instruction | National Student Support Accelerator | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Math Learning Support at Home | |||
Common Sense Education: Best Adaptive Math Games and Sites | Data Use, Instruction | Common Sense Education | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager, Parent (Caregiver) |
Digital Math Games and Apps: What Works and What Doesn’t? | Instruction | EdWeek | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager, Parent (Caregiver) |
Hear Stories for Families Using SEL Strategies at Home | Instruction | CASEL | Parent (Caregiver) |
Khan Academy | Instruction | Khan Academy | Parent (Caregiver) |
Math Morning | Instruction | Math Morning | Parent (Caregiver) |
Math at Home | Instruction | The Math Learning Center | Parent (Caregiver) |
PurpleMath | Instruction | Purplemath | Parent (Caregiver) |
Resources for the Covid-19 Crisis | Data Use, Instruction | EDC | Parent (Caregiver) |
SEL with Families & Caregivers | Data Use, Instruction | CASEL | Parent (Caregiver) |
The Mathematical Playground | Instruction | Mathigon | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager, Parent (Caregiver) |
Zearn for Caregivers | Instruction | Zearn | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Parent (Caregiver) |
Professional Learning | |||
Five Principles of Extraordinary Math Teaching | Instruction | Ted Talk | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
District Playbook: Training and Supporting Tutors | National Student Support Accelerator | Tutor Program Manager | |
Equity in Mathematics Education Requires a Systemic Approach | Equity, Instruction | Casio Education | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
High-Impact Tutoring Standards | Equity, Tutor, Data Use, Instruction, Learning Integration, Safety, Cohesion | National Student Support Accelerator | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
High-Impact Tutoring: State of the Research and Priorities for Future Learning | Equity, Tutor, Data Use, Instruction, Learning Integration, Safety, Cohesion | National Student Support Accelerator | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
In-Service Training & Support Guidance | Tutor | National Student Support Accelerator | Tutor Program Manager |
Implementing the Mathematical Practice Standards | Instruction | Education Development Center | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Instructional Quality Assessment in Mathematics Classroom Observation Toolkit | Instruction | Melissa Boston | Tutor Program Manager |
Making Equity a Reality in Your Math Classroom | Equity, Instruction | Casio Education | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Metro Nashville Training | Tutor, Instruction | Metro Nashville Public Schools | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Pre-Service Tutor Training Guidance | Tutor, Instruction | National Student Support Accelerator | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Professional Learning Toolkit for Early Literacy Tutors | Equity, Tutor, Instruction | National Student Support Accelerator | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Mindset Training | Equity, Tutor, Safety | Mentor National | Tutor Program Manager |
MTSS/RTI Mathematics | Data Use, Instruction | The IRIS Center Peabody College Vanderbilt University | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Project STAIR (videos) | Instruction | Project STAIR - University of Missouri, Southern Methodist University, and the University of Texas at Austin | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Ready to Learn Tutor Observation Feedback Guide | Tutor, Data Use, Instruction | University of Pittsburgh Center for Urban Education | Tutor Program Manager |
Ready to Learn Tutor Observation Form | Tutor, Data Use, Instruction | University of Pittsburgh Center for Urban Education | Tutor Program Manager |
Saga Coach for Math Tutors | Equity, Tutor, Instruction | Saga Education | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Stanford Training Resources | Tutor, Instruction | Stanford University | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Tutor Feedback and Individualized Coaching | Tutor | National Student Support Accelerator | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
UnboundEd Professional Learning Modules for Teachers | Instruction | UnboundEd | Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Webinar: Tutor Training: Tutor Types & Training | Tutor | National Student Support Accelerator | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Webinar: Tutor Training: Effective Facilitation and Relationship Building | Tutor | National Student Support Accelerator | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
What is High Impact Tutoring? | Equity, Tutor, Instruction | National Student Support Accelerator | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Program Design | |||
Funding Tutoring Programs | N/A | National Student Support Accelerator | Tutor Program Manager |
High-Impact Tutoring: Equitable and Effective Student Learning Acceleration | Equity, Tutor, Data Use, Instruction, Learning Integration, Safety, Cohesion | National Student Support Accelerator | Tutor Program Manager |
How to Gather Rigorous Evidence of your Tutoring Program’s Effectiveness | N/A | National Student Support Accelerator | Tutor Program Manager |
Key Considerations for Designing High-Impact Tutoring Programs: Learning from NCLB Supplemental Education Services | N/A | National Student Support Accelerator | Tutor Program Manager |
Toolkit for Tutoring Programs | Equity, Tutor, Data Use, Instruction, Learning Integration, Safety, Cohesion | National Student Support Accelerator | Tutor Program Manager |
Using the American Rescue Plan Act Funding For High-Impact Tutoring | N/A | National Student Support Accelerator | Tutor Program Manager |
What your District Needs to Do Now to Sustain your Tutoring Program Post-ARPA Funding | N/A | National Student Support Accelerator | Tutor Program Manager |
More Resources | |||
Example Math Tutoring Programs | |||
Blueprint Schools Network | Cohesion | Blueprint Schools Network | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
CityTutor DC | Cohesion | CityBridge | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Proven Tutoring | Cohesion | Proven Tutoring | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Ready to Learn | Cohesion | University of Pittsburgh Center for Urban Education | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Sample Tutoring Programs | Cohesion | National Student Support Accelerator | Tutor, Teacher as Tutor, Tutor Program Manager |
Student Math Performance Landscape | |||
Dynamic Learning Maps by State | Data Use, Instruction | University of Kansas Achievement & Assessment Institute | Tutor as Teacher, Tutor Program Manager |
National Assessment of Educational Progress 2022 | Data Use | National Center for Education Statistic | Tutor as Teacher, Tutor Program Manager |
National Survey on Supporting Struggling Mathematics Learners | Data Use | Education Development Center | Tutor as Teacher, Tutor Program Manager |
PK – 8 Math Tutoring Articles | |||
Abdulrahim, N., Orosco, M. (2019). Culturally responsive mathematics teaching: A research synthesis. The Urban Review (2020) 52:1–25. Bailey, D.H., Duncan, G. J., Murnane, R.J., & Au Yeung, N. (2021). Achievement gaps in the wake of COVID-19. Educational Researcher, 2021, Vol. 50 (5), 266 - 275. Bonner, M. P. (2021). Practicing culturally responsive mathematics teaching. Mathematics Teacher: Learning & Teaching PK - 12. Vol. 114 (1), (6 - 15). Chine, D. R. et al. (2022). Educational equity through combined human-AI personalization: A Propensity Matching Evaluation. In: Rodrigo, M. M/, Matsuda, N., Cristea, A. I., Dimitrova, V. (Eds.) Artificial Intelligence in Education. AIED 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13355. Springer, Cham. Codding, R., Nelson, P., Parker, D., Edmunds, R., Klaft, J. (2022). Examining the impact of a tutoring program implemented with community support on math proficiency and growth. Journal of School Psychology, Volume 90, February 2022, 82 - 93. Creider, S. C. (2020). Student talk as a resource: Integrating conflicting agendas in math tutoring sessions. Linguistics and Education, 58, 2020 Journal homepage: Science, 49, 709 - 735. Curtis, K., Lindo, K., Jansen, A. (2021). Discourse can create a learning culture. Mathematics Teacher: Learning & Teaching PK - 12, Vol. 114 (1), (55 - 62). DeLiema, D. (2017). Co-constructed failure narratives in mathematics tutoring. Instructional Science, 45, 709 - 736. Dougherty, B., Pedrotty Bryant, D., Bryant, B. R., & Shin, M. (2017). Helping students with mathematics difficulties understand ratios and proportions. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 49(2), 96–105. Durkin, K., Star, J. R., & Rittle-Johnson, B. (2017). Using comparison of multiple strategies in the mathematics classroom: Lessons learned and next steps. Mathematics Education, 49, 585–597. Foegen, A., Stecker, P.M., Genareo, V. R., Lyons, R. Olson, J.R. Simpson, A., Romig, J. E., & Jones, R. (2016). Using an online tool for learning about and implementing Algebra progress monitoring. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 49(2), 106 - 114. Haynes, K. B. & Brendle, J. (2019). Cross-age math tutoring of kindergarten and first grade students by middle school tutors. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology (IJEMST), 7(3), 238-250. Nickow, A., Oreopoulos, P., Quan, V. (2020). The impressive effects of tutoring on Prek-12 learning: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the experimental evidence. NBER working paper No. 27476. Powell, S., Driver, M., Julian, T. (2015). The Effect of Tutoring With Nonstandard Equations for Students with Mathematics Difficulty. Journal of Learning Disabilities, Vol 48(5), 523 - 534. Roscoe, R., Walker, E., Patchan, M. M. (2018). Facilitating peer tutoring and assessment in intelligent learning systems. In S.D. Craig (Ed.), Tutoring and Intelligent Tutoring Systems (41- 68). New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Thomas, C. A. & Berry, R. Q. (2019). A qualitative metasynthesis of culturally relevant pedagogy & culturally responsive teaching: Unpacking mathematics teaching practices. Journal of Mathematics Education At Teachers College, Spring 2019, Volume 10, Issue 1. Thomas-Browne, C., Boston, M., Parke, C. (2020). Developing a tool to capture productive and unproductive mindsets about teaching mathematics to African American students: An initial review. Urban Education. Thurston, A., Roseth, C., Chang, T., Burns, V., Topping, K.J. (2020). The influence of social relationships on outcomes in mathematics when using peer tutoring in elementary school. International Journal of Educational Research Open, Volume 1, 2020, 100004, ISSN 2666-3740. Topor, D. R., Keane, S. P., Shelton, T. L., & Calkins, S. D. (2010). Parent involvement and student academic performance: a multiple mediational analysis. Journal of prevention & intervention in the community, 38(3), 183–197. |
PK – 8 Math Tutoring Books | |||
Boaler, J. (2022). Mathematical mindsets: Unleashing students’ potential through creative mathematics inspiring and innovative teaching. Josey-Bass: Hoboken, NJ. Craig, S.D. (2018). Tutoring and Intelligent Tutoring Systems (Education in a Competitive and Globalizing World). Nova Science Pub Inc. Django, P., Alim, H. S. (2017). Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies: Teaching and Learning for Justice in a Changing World. Teachers College Press: New York, NY. Gay, G. (2018). Culturally responsive teaching: Theory, Research and Practice. Teachers College Press: New York, NY. Goffney, I., Gutierrez, R. (2018). Rehumanizing Mathematics for Black, Indigenous, and Latinx Students. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Inc. Hammond, Z. L. (2015). Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain. Corwin Press. Ladson-Billings, G. (2009). The dream-keepers: Successful teachers of African American children. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco, CA. Leonard, J. & Martin, D. B. (Eds.) (2013). The brilliance of black children in mathematics: Beyond the numbers and towards new discourse. Information Age Publishing, Inc.: Charlotte, NC. Martin, D. B., & Mayfield-Ingram, K. (2013, March 15). The Impact of Identity in K-8 Mathematics Learning and Teaching: Rethinking Equity-based Practices. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Inc. Milner, H. R. (2020). Start where you are, but don’t stay there: Understanding diversity, opportunity gaps, and teaching in today’s classrooms. Harvard Education Press: Cambridge, MA. Seda, P., & Brown, K. (2021). Choosing to See: A Framework for Equity in the Math Classroom. Dave Burgess Consulting, Inc.: San Diego, CA. |