Student Data Review Protocol


Below, you will find two protocols for reviewing student academic data, one for a frequent post-session review and one for any data collected on an interim or infrequent basis. These protocols follow the same What/So What/Now What format as the Standard Data Review Protocol, but they are tailored with tutor-specific questions to guide data analysis. These protocols can be adapted to aid tutors in reflecting on any data that the program has outlined in their Performance Measurement Plan (e.g, relationship building, culturally relevant and inclusive sessions, etc.).

Tailored Protocol for Post-Session Data Review
Pre-Review: If students complete assessments by hand, score and input the data into a digital system. Note whether the student met, nearly met, or did not meet the session’s goal. If students complete assessments digitally (i.e. in a Virtual or Blended model), this data input will likely be automated, but the level of automation will vary depending on the software used.
Step Purpose Questions
WHAT Review desired outcomes using the end-of-session assessment.
  • What was the goal of this session?
  • What did this assessment expect students to be able to do?
  • What does success look like on this assessment? 
  • What was my plan for targeting my specific students’ needs? 
SO WHAT Reflect on what worked, what didn’t work, and why. For all programs:
  • Did my student(s) reach the session’s goal?
  • If not, what barrier(s) prevented them from reaching it?
    • Not enough practice time
    • Unaligned practice content
    • Access issues
    • Common misconceptions
    • Precision/execution errors
    • Uncommon misunderstandings
  • What actions did I take (or not take) in my planning and facilitation of this session that contributed to these barriers?
For programs where the Tutor-Student Ratio is Small Groups:
  • Which students made expected progress and met the session’s goal? Why?
  • Which students are close to mastery and nearly met the session’s goal? Why?
  • Which students did not meet the session’s goal? Why not?
  • Are multiple students facing similar barriers? Who could be grouped together?
NOW WHAT Reflect and adjust plans for upcoming sessions.
  • How will I plan future sessions differently because of this data? 
  • How will I provide targeted reteaching or practice to address specific students’ learning barriers?
  • When will this planning, reteaching, and/or practice happen?
  • How will I communicate progress to students (and parents/teachers if needed)? 
  • Do I need external help? If yes, whom should I reach out to?

While the protocol above is specifically designed to be used after each tutoring session, the protocol below is more general. It can be used to review interim assessment data (i.e. quizzes and tests), for example, or a whole week of session data all at once. Regardless of the details, programs can use this protocol to analyze the effectiveness of their tutoring sessions across a larger sample of students and determine what larger-scale adjustments to make to the program’s overall curriculum plan. This protocol may be used by tutors if tutors are trained in data analysis, or by program staff that support tutors. 

Tailored Protocol for Summary Data Review
Pre-Review: If students complete assessments by hand, score and input the data into a digital system. If students complete assessments digitally (i.e. in a Virtual or Blended model), this data input likely be automated, but the level of automation will vary depending on the software used.
Step  Purpose  Questions 
WHAT Review desired outcomes using the assessment and/or overall mastery data. 
  • What purpose did this assessment serve?
  • What were our goals for our students? 
  • What does the data tell us about overall student mastery?
  • What does the data tell us about the overall effectiveness of our tutoring?
SO WHAT Reflect on what worked, what didn’t work, and why. What does this tell us about our planning? What about our implementation?
  • To what degree did our instructional planning practices over the relevant time interval for this data (e.g. this past week) lead to these student outcomes?
  • To what degree did our implementation of our plan over the relevant time interval for this data (e.g. this past week) lead to these student outcomes?
  • Which topics need to be retaught to specific students or groups? Why?
NOW WHAT Reflect and adjust curriculum plan if necessary.
  • What adjustments should we make to our curriculum’s scope and sequence? 
  • Which students need individual differentiation and/or additional remediation or acceleration? 
  • What support do tutors need to be effective? Are there any gaps in tutor ability that we should address through supplemental training and support? 
Make a plan for communicating progress to students (and parents/teachers if needed) and adjust curriculum plan.