ORF Assessment, Dyslexia Screener
The school version of Amira has a parent report that provides information about student progress over time, specific suggestions for ways to help your child (based on their actual reading to date) and stats such as most recent WCPM, vocabulary size, and estimated reading age.
Mostow, J., Aist, G., Burkhead, P., Corbett, A., Cuneo, A., Rossbach, S., & Tobin, B. (2002). Independent versus computer-assisted reading: Equal time comparison of sustained silent reading to an automated reading tutor that listens. Paper presented at the 9th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Chicago, IL.
Mostow, J., Aist, G., Burkhead, P., Corbett, A., Cuneo, A., Eitelman, S., Huang, C., Junker, B., Sklar, M.B., &
Tobin, B. (2003). Evaluation of an automated Reading Tutor that listens: Comparison to human tutoring and classroom instruction. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 29(1), 61-117.
Mostow, J., Aist, G., Huang, C., Junker, B., Kennedy, R., Lan, H., Latimar, D., O'Connor, R., Tassone, R., Tobin, B. and Wierman, A. (2003b). Four-Month Evaluation of a Learner-controlled Reading Tutor that Listens. In Speech Technology for Language Learning, V.M. Holland and F.N. Fisher, Eds. Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers, Lisse, The Netherlands.
Mostow, J. (2012, June). Why and how our automated reading tutor listens. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Automatic Detection of Errors in Pronunciation Training (ISADEPT) (pp. 43-52).
Mostow, J., and Aist, G. (2001) Evaluating tutors that listen: An overview of Project LISTEN. In K. Forbus and P. Feltovich, (Eds.) Smart Machines in Education, pp. 169-234. MIT/AAAI Press.