Big Bets Working: Keeping the Commitment to Tutoring Alive and Strong

Tuesday, January 16, 2024 - 07:00am-08:30am (PT)
Live Zoom Webinar

Big Bets Working: Keeping the Commitment to Tutoring Alive and Strong

Since December of 2020, the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading (CGLR) has been lifting up high dosage/high impact tutoring as a smart investment and effective response to the learning loss children experienced during the pandemic. More recently, CGLR has also devoted several sessions and brought in expert speakers to discuss theunfortunate data indicating that learning recovery largely stalled during the 2022-2023 school year. This data, coupled with the looming ESSER funding cliff in fall 2024 creates a big risk for the current attention towards tutoring to quickly burn out. Students who are now benefiting from this support – and those who are not yet receiving tutoring but could benefit from it – could be cut off from the opportunity. Now is the time to highlight and learn what makes effective tutoring programs - what are the characteristics that lead to students making progress and what keeps a program strong and thriving. This session will engage top tutoring researchers and experts in an exploration of the elements that lead to success and impact, and also feature representatives from programs that have achieved results with students and what they have done to achieve success. Join us to learn how we can prolong tutoring’s “moment” by understanding what strategies can be replicated to ensure the continuation of the high-impact tutoring still desperately needed.