Research Studies

This tool allows education practitioners and researchers to quickly access quantitative research on tutoring program effectiveness. These 150+ research studies were selected due to their rigorous research designs which align with What Works Clearinghouse and Every Student Succeeds Act standards for moderate and strong evidence of intervention efficacy. Many studies were originally identified by their inclusion in recent meta-analyses (Baye et al., 2018; Neitzel et al., 2021; Nickow et al., 2020). Research may be sorted by grade level, subject, and tutor type in order to explore the evidence base for particular program designs. This database does not include qualitative research on best practices for tutoring implementation, for which we recommend exploring our District Playbook and Toolkit for Tutoring Programs.

If you have additional research studies (quantitative or qualitative) that you would like to share, please fill out this form or send an email to

Displaying 1 - 30 of 30
Efficacy of a Word- and Text-Based Intervention for Students With Significant Reading Difficulties. (2019). Vaughn, S., Roberts, G. J., Miciak, J., Taylor, P., & Fletcher, J. M.. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 52(1), 31–44.

Leveraging Volunteers: An Experimental Evaluation of a Tutoring Program for Struggling Readers. (2016). Jacob, R., Armstrong, C., Bowden, A. B., & Pan, Y.. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 9(1), 67–92.

Effects of tutorial interventions in mathematics and attention for low-performing preschool children. (2016). Barnes, M. A., Klein, A., Swank, P., Starkey, P., McCandliss, B., Flynn, K., ... & Roberts, G.. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness.

The (Surprising) Efficacy of Academic and Behavioral Intervention with Disadvantaged Youth: Results from a Randomized Experiment in Chicago. (2014). Cook, P. J., Dodge, K., Farkas, G., Fryer, R., Guryan, J., Ludwig, J., Mayer, S., Pollack, H., & Steinberg, L.. National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc..

Impact Evaluation of the Minnesota Reading Corps K-3 Program. (2014). Markovitz, C. E., Hernandez, M. W., Hedberg, E. C., & Silberglitt, B.. Corporation for National and Community Service.

The Effect of the Experience Corps® Program on Student Reading Outcomes. (2012). Lee, Y. S., Morrow-Howell, N., Jonson-Reid, M., & McCrary, S.. Education and Urban Society, 44(1), 97–118.

Responsiveness of students with language difficulties to early intervention in reading. (2010). O'Connor, R. E., Bocian, K., Beebe-Frankenberger, M., & Linklater, D. L.. The Journal of Special Education.

Effects of two tutoring programs on the English reading development of Spanish-English bilingual students. (2004). Denton, C. A., Anthony, J. L., Parker, R., & Hasbrouck, J. E.. The Elementary School Journal, 104(4), 289–305.

Short-term impact of experience Corps® participation on children and schools: Results from a pilot randomized trial. (2004). Rebok, G. W., Carlson, M. C., Glass, T. A., McGill, S., Hill, J., Wasik, B. A., Ialongo, N., Frick, K. D., Fried, L. P., & Rasmussen, M. D.. Journal of Urban Health : Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 81(1), 79–93.

Teaching reading to poor readers in the intermediate grades: A comparison of text difficulty. (2002). O'Connor, R. E., Bell, K. M., Harty, K. R., Larkin, L. K., Sackor, S. M., & Zigmond, N.. Journal of Educational Psychology.

An evaluation of reading recovery. (1995). Center, Y., Wheldall, K., Freeman, L., Outhred, L., & McNaught, M.. Reading Research Quarterly.