WEBINAR: Equity and Achievement Implications of On-Demand Tutoring

Wednesday, March 8, 2023 - 04:00pm-05:00pm

Join this webinar to better understand what drives effective tutoring and the recent research about On-Demand Tutoring from Carly Robinson, Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Annenberg Institute at Brown University. 

Dr. Robinson will be joined by LaMarlon J. Wilson, Executive Director of Instruction, Professional Development & Technology of the Mississippi Achievement School District, and Susanne Cramer, Executive Director of School Improvement of Omaha Public Schools to share the practical implications for successful implementation of tutoring in their districts.

Carly Robinson
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Brown University

LaMarlon J. Wilson
Executive Director of Instruction, Professional Development & Technology
Mississippi Achievement School District

Susanne Cramer
Executive Director of School Improvement
Omaha Public Schools