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12/09/2022. Event
Join this webinar to better understand what drives effective tutoring and the recent research about On-Demand Tutoring from Carly Robinson, Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Annenberg Institute at Brown University.  Dr. Robinson will be joined by LaMarlon J. Wilson, Executive Director of Instruction, Professional Development & Technology of the Mississippi Achievement School District, and Susanne Cramer, Executive Director of School Improvement of Omaha Public Schools to share the practical implications for successful implementation of tutoring in their districts.

10/29/2022. Article
Tutoring is one of the most popular strategies for helping students catch up in the wake of the pandemic. But cost, staffing, and scheduling challenges often make it hard for schools to get these programs off the ground. A sweeping $10 million research effort announced Thursday aims to tackle that problem by studying 31 different tutoring initiatives across the country this school year. The goal is to answer some of the biggest open questions about how schools can put successful tutoring programs in place for more students — and then figure out if they worked.

10/28/2022. Article
In a recent study, we report on the implementation of opt-in, on-demand tutoring in partnership with the Aspire Public Schools (a charter management organization, or CMO) in California. The CMO provided 7,000 middle and high school students with free, unlimited access to one-on-one chat-based tutoring during the spring 2021 semester. Students accessed the program from a mobile device and could request help from an available tutor in any core subject. The topic of each tutoring session was usually driven by student questions and the interaction between tutors and students were chat-based with help from a virtual whiteboard to facilitate joint work.

06/14/2022. Article
Yes! We have much work to do to ensure high-impact tutoring is embedded in schools for all students for the long term, but we see places where it is happening. Here are three examples of high-impact tutoring programs that have been serving students for over a decade before the pandemic and continue to grow.

09/07/2021. Webinar
Cultural Awareness

09/07/2021. Webinar
Family Engagement

09/07/2021. Webinar
Session Content

09/07/2021. Webinar
Data Use: Evaluation and Improvement

09/02/2021. Webinar
Susanna Loeb from the National Student Support Accelerator shares research, best practices, and resources educators can use when implementing high-impact tutoring at their LEAs.