Greensboro tutoring collaborative aims to reverse pandemic learning losses

Greensboro News & Record

In the aftermath of COVID-19, learning losses are among the most devastating, persistent consequences of the pandemic. Children from disadvantaged backgrounds were disproportionately impacted, creating both a learning and inequality crisis. Studies from the California School Boards Association and University of Chicago hail high-impact tutoring as a key solution for both issues.

In Guilford County Schools, implementation of high-impact tutoring has produced impressive results. All student groups improved their test proficiency scores this year. 

High-impact tutoring program comes to the rescue

Like much of the nation, Guilford County Schools saw declines in student proficiency resulting from the pandemic and engaged the Institute for Partnerships in Education housed within UNC Greensboro, as a thought leadership partner. From these discussions emerged the Tutoring Collaborative, a program to support the district’s high-impact tutoring program recognized by the Biden administration for its innovation. Provided at no cost to students, Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief funds underwrite the program. 

High-impact tutoring is an evidence-based practice that helps students make significant and measurable gains in learning. As not all tutoring has been proven effective, the Tutoring Collaborative subscribes to the National Student Support Accelerator’s rigorous standards. At the heart of the program is a consistent and supportive tutor-student relationship with a well-trained tutor who receives ongoing support. Students are typically tutored three times weekly in groups that do not exceed three people with similar needs. The intensive program uses data to understand students’ strengths and needs and requires the tutor to adapt their approach if the student is not making the expected learning gains.


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