K-12 Connect was founded in 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and provides academic support to K-12 learners through virtual and in-person high-dosage tutoring services. We offer direct-to-family tutoring and partner with schools and community organizations to provide personalized, contracted services.
States of Operation: MI & AZ (actively expanding to other states throughout the US)
Subjects Offered: Math, Reading, High School Academic Mentorship
Grade Levels: K-12
Tutor Type: College students, certified teachers & adults
Setting: Virtual, in-school
Delivery Mode: Synchronous or in-person
Tutor-Student Ratio: 1:1-1:3
# of Sessions Per Week: 2-3
Number of Minutes Per Session: 45-60
RCT or QED Study Conducted: N/A
Overview: K-12 Connect partners with districts to provide high-dosage, relationship-based tutoring to K-12 students. K-12 Connect programs are flexibly designed in collaboration with districts to provide tutoring inside and outside of school, seven days a week. Tutors are highly trained and receive ongoing coaching and collaborative peer and professional support. Programs offer various evidence-based tutoring options in 1:1, 1:2, or 1:3 virtual environments, including academic mentoring for high school students, targeted literacy support for all levels of readers in 1st-9th grades, and targeted math for 1st grade through Algebra 1 students.
Training: See training materials linked below. Contact us at k12connect@gvsu.edu to learn more about our leveled training materials and micro-credentials.
Credentials: N/A
- Modules vary per program (Estimated time per module: 10-20 min)
- Self-paced online modules with video content, quizzes, tutor reflection, and interaction opportunities, including role-playing
Module Overview
General Tutor Training
- K-12 Connect Tutor Role Expectations
- Introduction to Schools and Student
- Content for this session varies based on school assignment but typically includes Zoom meetings with school administrators, parents and tutors.Tutors are sent an overview of the school and individual students 1 week prior to starting tutoring.
- Student Assignment Email Template
- Center for Black Educator Development (CBED) DEI Modules (These modules were purchased from CBED; please reach out to them directly to learn more)
- Cultural Identity
- Implicit Bias
- Microaggression Nuances
- Culturally-Proficient Relationships with Students
- Culturally-Proficient Collaborations with Families
Content Training
K-12 Connect Reading
A 60-minute reading and writing session where systematic practice is paired with explicit literacy feedback to extend student learning. Structured and explicit instruction in all five components of reading with 20+ minutes of reading and 15+ minutes of writing utilizing the 6+ traits of writing to support the reading and writing process at all levels.
- Reading Background (Science of Reading)
- Reading Framework Training
- Welcome & Expectations/Celebrations and Reflect
- Word Work
- Fluency
- Book Choice, Reading Comprehension, & Vocabulary
- Writing Framework Training
- Writing Standards
- Writing Rubrics
- Assessments
- Assessing Reading Using Multiple Measures
- Progress Reports
K-12 Connect High School Academic Mentorship
Supports students with skill development as students work towards high school graduation and beyond. Training is focused on mentoring skills such as goal setting, leadership, organization, resume building, and interview skills and supporting the student’s academic needs, such as studying for an upcoming test, proofreading a paper, helping with algebra homework, and reading a required book together.
- Framework Training
- Relationship-Building Activities
- Self-Assessments to learn more about themselves as students
- Progress Reports
K-12 Connect Math
The Delta Math RtI Program, developed by the Ottawa Area ISD, integrates accelerated learning strategies within an MTSS framework to help students complete unfinished learning in 1st grade through Algebra 2. K-12 Connect tutors use these resources to support students with a benchmark screener and lessons to master unfinished learning.
- Lesson Components
- Preparing of Lessons
- Math Progression
Recommendations/Notes: All modules were developed with a non-educator in mind. They are to be completed sequentially. Each module is followed by a quiz to verify content completion. Initial training is layered with continued content support throughout the tutoring cycle through weekly tutor huddles supervised by a content-specific coach.