Justice’s Culture in the Classroom

Primary Audience 1
Module/ Session Description Learning for Justice’s Culture in the Classroom professional development includes brief videos, reflection questions, and related resources. The resources include how teachers overcome stereotypical notions about students’ cultures, select diverse texts and authors, and honor home languages. These resources are geared toward classroom teachers but are relevant to tutors.
Link https://www.learningforjustice.org/professional-development/culture-in-the-clas…
Primary Audience Teachers, Tutors
Topic Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Education
Element Equity, Instruction
Length 1 - 30 minutes
Developer Practitioner
Tutoring Training Provider Learning for Justice
States of Operation Nationwide
Tutor Type N/A
Dosage N/A
Subject Area / Focus N/A
Grade Level N/A
Modality N/A
Ratio N/A
Program Evidence Impact N/A