IRC Well-Being for Educators of Students Affected by Forced Migration: Introduction to Mindfulness

Primary Audience 1
Module/ Session Description

This is a course for educators to learn about mindfulness to support their well-being. Educators identify factors that affect your personal and professional well-being. While not explicitly designed for tutors, this course is an example of introducing tutors to socio-emotional skills and habits that can be supportive to their overall well-being.

Primary Audience Teachers, Tutors
Topic Tutor Expectations and Role
Element Tutor
Length 31 minutes - 1 hour
Developer Practitioner
Tutoring Training Provider IRC
States of Operation Nationwide
Tutor Type N/A
Dosage N/A
Subject Area / Focus N/A
Grade Level N/A
Modality N/A
Ratio N/A
Program Evidence Impact N/A